I think i will try to play random in Stormgate for having more views on the game and not cheering on only one race. I also hope that the community whill not choose a "Black Sheep" race like Protoss in SC2, were you say you play Protoss people start to hate you...
I discover the Random Vs Random thing in this article, and it's very interesseting ! nice work as always
I think i will try to play random in Stormgate for having more views on the game and not cheering on only one race. I also hope that the community whill not choose a "Black Sheep" race like Protoss in SC2, were you say you play Protoss people start to hate you...
I discover the Random Vs Random thing in this article, and it's very interesseting ! nice work as always
Same! I’m going to play Random from the start. I think it’ll be harder for sure, but in the long-run I’ll enjoy the game more.
The tribalism around Protoss is a bummer, I think if more people played the race more often there’d be more empathy in those discussions.