Mar 27, 2023Liked by Brown Bear

Hello, nice article, personnaly after i finish my studies i decide to continue my video game prototype to a full game, which is "Dice Of Olympus", so i don't quit my job, i just don't apply to get one x)

I'm not earning money atm and the game doesn' have a lot of whishlist, but i know i'm gonna be proud of it, and it will open a lot of doors for me in the future since i release a video game from A to Z. Also, i'm young, so i think i can "afford" this sacrifice of money and time for my future career, only time will know if it's was worth it !

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That's amazing! I just took a look at the Steam page and it looks really cool! I definitely agree that putting together an end-to-end product will look great on your portfolio and set you up for success in the future. But just as important I think it'll be a good confidence boost and a feather in your cap, to accomplish something hard and meaningful at the start of your career. Good luck with your game and let me know when it comes out!

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